Another well thought out and well designed mommy blog. This blog is quite varied in its content as its got a little bit of everything. If you love all things parenting, cooking with kids, craft with the children, health, family travel, stories, charity etc. then this site will give you plenty of inspiration on how you could start your own mommy blog.

                                                     I AM SERIOUS

My favourite food blog is this one. I think the style, design and tone of voice is just top notch. Lindsay really has blogging down to a fine art, not just with the writing but also in knowing how to make money from blogging. I reckon she has a massive email list which she has built up over the years, that she can use to literally print money with. Targeting her email list with her latest blog posts, affiliate links, deals, offers, coupons will make her plenty of cash each month.
I love her blogger resources page as well. A clever way to inspire other bloggers to take the plunge and use what she uses to create a successful food blog.